So, you’ve decided to take on the task of replacing your roof. This is a big project and it can be intimidating, but with some preparation and knowledge about what needs to be done, it can be easier than you think. There are many important steps that need to happen before tearing off the old roofing material and installing new roofing shingles or tiles. It can seem like an overwhelming process, but our guide will help make this job much easier for you! Let’s start by discussing how to prepare for your DIY project…
#1: Determine How Much You Can Do
Roofing can be a dangerous task, but it doesn’t have to be. Whenever you are planning on doing some work that could cause risk, such as mixing chemicals or climbing onto the roof of your home, it is important to identify what dangers there may be and how to avoid them. If you decide not to hire a contractor because you don’t feel like you need one, then you will also need to determine: if this is true for your specific situation or not. A few things that you should consider before deciding how much of the project is something that only a contractor should do include:
– Is the work going to done from inside or outside?
– How much room will you need to move around, as well as for storage and sanitary purposes?
– Is the work going to be done from a ladder or roof top?
If your answer is “no” to these questions, then it is probably best that you hire a contractor. If the tasks at hand are things that you feel safe doing and have a little bit of experience with, then go ahead and start planning out the project. It is always good to do some research beforehand so that you can have a better idea of what needs to happen step by step. There may also be additional preparation steps depending on the type of DIY roofing you want to do (as mentioned in the next paragraph).
#2: Determine Your Roof Type and Replacement Method
There are a few things that you should consider in order to decide your replacement method. The first is the type of roofing material you have on your current house. Is it one that is easy to work with, such as asphalt shingles or wood shakes? Or, does it make more sense for your specific situation (if cost isn’t an issue) to get materials like slate, clay tile, metal panels, etc.? These materials usually require more preparation before installation can happen because they will likely need additional reinforcement and fixings.
The other thing that you want to think about when choosing replacement methods is how much time and money you want (or can) spend on this project. If you are doing the work yourself, then it may be more cost efficient to install a modular shingle roof system (one that uses interlocking tiles instead of individual shingles). A modular system will need less calking and nailing than some other types of roofs and is usually quicker and easier to install.
No matter what replacement method you choose or if you hire a contractor to do the job for you, there will need to be some prep work done before the actual installation process happens.